Latest Single Releases


Go My Way

Go My Way After coming up with the melody, the demo lyrics that first came through were actually quite sad. My partner suggested that I should change the lyrics and make it a more upbeat up lifting song. And so the version that you hear today was borne


You’re The One

You're The One is about that moment when you are trying to fall asleep, but no matter what you do, you just can't get that person that you love or want out of your head. It's amazing to me that you can feel like a slave to your own thoughts.

Losing Me

Losing Me is a self-portrait about reflecting and rebuilding yourself into a better you, regardless of, infract in particularly when facing adversity. “ I know there are many of you who have felt heavier than ever before as a result of covid19. My hope in that in some way this song can be healing for you “


Into The Sun

Into The Sun is a song that is really close to my heart. We have all been in a place that we are not proud of, and when your there sometimes the easiest thing to do is give into the sadness and feel sorry for yourself. Into the Sun is about breaking that trend and getting out of the house and doing the things you love, for me it’s all about hitting the road and driving Into the Sun for some much needed change.


Drifting is song about leaving the world as we know it behind and jumping into a different reality. It's easy to be consumed and overwhelmed in our daily lives, especially with the recent COVID 19 disaster. Social media and other external influences can all play a part in poor mental health, so join me on an underwater adventure, and let's Drift away from it all.


Honey & The Bee

Honey And The Bee is a metaphor for two people and the way they complement each other. Without the Bee there is no Honey and vies versa, but together it’s the sweetest of relationships.